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One Chase Manhattan Plaza
New York, NY 10005, USA
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Prism truffaut neutra blue bottle letterpress plaid church-key.

This time, we have recreated the gallery of Asahido main store online by 3D scanning, and through the VR gallery where the 3D photographed masterworks are placed, you can enjoy the masterpieces as if you were visiting the store.  We hope you will enjoy the opportunity and visit Asahido to see the real works next time.

We visited the workshop of a master craftman in Kyoto and scanned the place by 3D. You can virtually explore the sites where masterworks are created. Also We were taking interviews with the master craftmans about their thoughts and efforts on Kiyomizuware. Please enjoy the preserved interviews of Kiyomizu ware masters and the VR exploration of their workshops.




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  • ❸ 様々な名品をご自宅でお楽しみいただけます!


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会社名 株式会社 朝日堂
代表 代表取締役社長 浅井 俊行
創業 明治三年
事業内容 京・清水焼の販売 陶磁器の販売 飲食店の経営 京都名産の販売 陶芸体験工房の経営
所在地 京都市東山区清水1丁目280
電話番号 075-531-2181